目前分類:醫學英文 (50)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

PART IV: Match the statement with the response


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 [Week 4: Assignment]

Scene I: Admission Interview (入院問診)

Mr. Brown, a 52-year-old, is admitted to the unit from the emergency room.

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Scene II: Hospitalization (住院治療)

It's three p.m. The nurse is recording Mr. Brown's intake and output.
中譯) 到了下午三點。護士正在記錄伯朗先生的攝入和排出。

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Scene III: Discharge Teaching (出院衛教)

Mr. Brown is resting in bed. The nurse is preparing him for discharge.
中譯) 布朗先生在床上休息。 護士為他準備辦理出院。

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 [Week 3: Assignment]

PART I: Response Questions 

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PART III: Choose the Correct Word

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PART V: Match the Statement with the Response

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Scene III: Discharge Teaching (出院衛教)

Mr. Leo is feeling better. the nurse is preparing him for discharge.

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Scene II: Hospitalization (住院治療)

Mr. Leo is admitted to the gastrointestinal ward. His hemoglobin is low.

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[Week 2: Assignment]

Scene I: Admission Interview (入院問診)

Mr. Leo, a 58-year-old, has vomited blood clots and passed black stool.

N: Nurse P: Patient

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